July 30, 2013

Sevendust Have Arrived in Poughkeepsie, NY

Poughkeepsie’s The Chance Theater was absolutely packed from the pit back to the bar and all across the balconies when Sevendust came to town last week. Having seen the guys at both festivals and headlining shows a few times already this year, it’s safe to say I knew they had a great night in store for us.

Sevendust’s set consisted of a great mix of tracks, spanning across the massive catalog the band has gathered throughout the last 15 years. They wasted no time getting the crowd moving, opening up with “Pieces” before jumping right into newer song “Till Death.” The tiny pit at The Chance didn’t stop people from turning the entire thing into one huge mosh pit from start to finish. Both fans and members of the opening bands were dripping with sweat as they got out some aggression and sang along to “Decay” and “Waffle.”

Things slowed down a bit for “Got A Feeling,” giving the exhausted pit a chance to catch their breath while front man Lajon Witherspoon wowed us with his unbelievably powerful vocals. To close out the night the band powered through “Splinter” and “Face to Face.” Their contagious energy had everyone’s adrenaline surging as they savored the last few minutes of metal.

No matter how many times I see Sevendust, the one thing that will always strike me with them above any other live band is the fact that every single member owns the stage. Drummer Morgan Rose is a madman when he gets behind his kit, and guitarists Clint Lowery and John Connolly provide awesome backing vocals and have unstoppable energy alongside bassist Vince Hornsby. For those that haven’t yet had the pleasure of seeing these guys, their live show is worth every penny.


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